Drew Edwards Sculptor

Drew Edwards
From a very early age, Drew Edwards was driven by an urge to express.
As an actor from his youth, the platform for expression was the stage.
Today, alongside his acting work, Drew finds expression with hammer and chisel in hand.
Sculpting from flint, granite and wood, the materials he crafts with are recycled from the highways of London.
A central ethos in his journey as a sculptor has been the importance of collaboration. Be it the tools he works with which have their own narrative passed through previous hands; stone to sculpt that has been donated; and land to work on given by the community, his art has been a means of giving back.
From his early work Drew donated two pieces that now stand at the Finchley Memorial Hospital in North London, Mother and Child and The Angel of Finchley Memorial. Click Here for more Info.
Drew wouldn't have been able to do any of this without the help from the community, with a special thanks to, Chris Smith and Koutsou Iliana at the London borough of Barnet, Tony Dennisson, Sharon Fields at Conways Construction, Shorn Lockland at Lockland Construction, John at Conways Thanks Mate, Eliot and Travis Perkins at Enfield and Luka Vujicic.
"I am also a professional actor and when not working on one I am working on the other, to me there is no distinction between the two, it is an expression, to me it's an expression of myself."