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My Sculptures


All my work is self finance and I have been given the nickname of “The Penny-less philanthropist” 

Complex Man

A abstract study of Seán O'Callaghan: 

1954 - 2017

Grenfell Tower

I donated to the victims and survivors of the Grenfelled Tragedy which can be viewed by the front entrance at The Notting Hill Methodist Church.

Children of the Mediterranean

Also the children of the Mediterranean which is on display at Middlesex University ritomond plinth, 91 life sized figures in granite representing children fleeing conflict in the middles east and world wide. 91% of all children crossing the Mediterranean are unaccompanied, Source: Sunday Times.

Finchley Memorial 

My early work was gifted to Finchley Memorial hospital in 2015, Memorial Angels in recycled stainless steel and windblown Oak. 

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